Saturday, July 31, 2010

SB 1070 News Round Up

Thursday July 29th, the day the new law was set to take effect, Judge Susan Bolton ruled to stop certain measures (the most contraversial measures) of the law. This new injunction has temporarily blocked measures requiring officers to check immigration status during stops, making it a crime to not carry papers, and making it a crime for the undocumented to work.

Below are few articles from this week in SB 1070 and immigration news (some more balanced than others).

Arizona Immigration Law Blocked by Judge in Temporary Victory for Obama by Ed Pilkington.

"While some of the most draconian aspects of the law have been blocked, Hispanic groups are unhappy about sections including a provision to make it a crime for undocumented day labourers to get into an employer's vehicle and a vaguely-worded clause against the "transportation" and "harbouring" of illegal immigrants."

Arizona Immigration Protesters Hit the Streets. Anna Gorman and Nicholas Riccardi report on protests rising around Phoenix, the injunction against SB 1070, and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio insistence: "It's going to be business as usual."

Hector Tobar questions, Arizona's Immigration Law: Aimed at Criminals or at Workers?

"It seems to me that Americans are of two minds about the immigration question. They like the immigrants they know personally and are willing to extend this generosity of spirit to many of those who've entered the country illegally. At the same time, they believe the United States is a country of laws and want a system where those laws are respected."

Baby Baiting. Robin Templeton writes about the "Baby Anchor" fallacy.

"When you read the statistics about how the undocumented population has increased, you have to realize how much of that is the direct result of blocking people from gaining legal status who, before, legitimately could." --Maria Blanco, director of the Earl Warren Institute at the UC Berkeley, School of Law,

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